Thursday 19 April 2007

im in the mood to smash something!!!

arghh!!..what is up with my bloody phone, it just being a complete arse and not working..!!!

i swear sometimes i think these new mobile phones can actually hear what u say, so if u say something bad about it then they will act pure evil towards u as an act of revenge!!...when i say work, i mean it!!

Wednesday 18 April 2007

am feelin better but slightly hot and bothered

whooo...i think i have fully recovered from my bad bout of tonsillities, although going out last week was prehaps not the best idea...ah well, you only live once i suppose!

i have decided to ignore all the people in my life who tell me that the reason it is sooo hot right now is because of global warming...i bloomin know its global warming, but hey just enjoy the lovely weather cause it won't be here for long...wait thats a lie, its gonna be here for the next 5 months!! ass-some

oh yeh, have now also come to the conclusion that england are crap at cricket...i know people don't understand the sport and can't understand me for even taking an interest in the sport, but i seem to enjoy watchin england lose...well thats it!!! i've had enough of it, all of it...infact im going to take up ping pong as an alternative ping pong a sport???